Friday, October 19, 2007

Blame it on the puppy!

Wow - I didn't realize it was quite so long since I've added a new post here. Time to get back to it!!! I haven't been stamping as much as I want to. First, we had Grandma and Grampa visit from Florida. Then, something possessed me to go out and get a puppy!! I don't know what I was thinking!!!!!!! It's like having another baby! Don't get me wrong, he's sweet and adorable(a 3 1/2 pound Beagle).... AND, I love him to pieces! However, he's also a lot of work and takes time away from other things. But he's worth it:-) Since I don't have any new projects to share, I'll introduce you to the new man in my life: Patches.

1 comment:

Rochelle W said...

Oh My Gosh!! This is the cutiest puppy ever!! I can't let my oldest see this picture. She wants a puppy so bad.